Building a Full-Text Search Engine with Elasticsearch and Python

Alexandre Bardiaux
2 min readSep 28, 2023


Photo by Max Chen on Unsplash

In today’s data-driven world, the ability to search through vast amounts of text data efficiently is paramount. Whether you’re developing a website, a document management system, or a search platform, building a full-text search engine is a powerful solution. Elasticsearch, a distributed, RESTful search, and analytics engine, is a top choice for this task. In this article, we’ll explore how to build a full-text search engine using Elasticsearch and Python.

What is Elasticsearch?

Elasticsearch is an open-source, highly scalable, full-text search and analytics engine. It’s designed for horizontal scalability, reliability, and real-time search capabilities. Elasticsearch is commonly used for log and event data analysis, full-text search, and more. It’s a robust solution for handling large volumes of text data efficiently.


Before we dive into building a full-text search engine, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. Python: You’ll need Python installed on your system.
  2. Elasticsearch: Download and install Elasticsearch from the official website or use a hosted Elasticsearch service.
  3. Elasticsearch Python Client: Install the Elasticsearch Python client library, elasticsearch-py, using pip:
pip install elasticsearch

Setting Up Elasticsearch

Once you have Elasticsearch installed and running, you can start setting up your full-text search engine. Elasticsearch uses a RESTful API, and we can interact with it using the Python client library.

Here’s an example of how to create an Elasticsearch index and index a document in Python:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
# Initialize the Elasticsearch client
es = Elasticsearch([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}])
# Create an index
es.indices.create(index='my_index', ignore=400)
# Index a document
document = {
'title': 'Getting Started with Elasticsearch',
'content': 'Elasticsearch is a powerful search engine.',
es.index(index='my_index', doc_type='document', id=1, body=document)

Performing Searches

Now that we have indexed some data, let’s perform a full-text search:

# Search for documents
search_results ='my_index', body={'query': {'match': {'content': 'powerful search engine'}}})
# Print the results
for hit in search_results['hits']['hits']:
print(f"Document ID: {hit['_id']}, Score: {hit['_score']}")

Elasticsearch returns relevant documents based on the search query, along with their scores, making it easy to sort and filter results.

Building a Web Interface

To create a user-friendly web interface for your search engine, you can use web frameworks like Flask or Django in combination with Elasticsearch. This allows users to enter search queries and receive results in real-time.


Building a full-text search engine with Elasticsearch and Python empowers you to efficiently search through large volumes of text data. Whether you’re developing a website, a document management system, or a specialized search application, Elasticsearch provides the scalability and features you need.

Start exploring Elasticsearch and enhance your search capabilities today. Happy coding! 🚀🔍



Alexandre Bardiaux

Co-founder of Atomic Wombat | AWS Solution Architect Professional Certified | Passionate Software Engineer | Building Scalable Web Apps